Oct 17, 2011

The essential role of energy efficiency for a sustainable europe

How industry and policy makers drive the current trend.

According to latest projections, the EU is only expected to achieve 9% of its 20% mandatory energy saving targets by 2020, not even 50% of its energy savings goal. This is a missed opportunity; not only does Europe have the technology TODAY to deliver far more than a 20% energy efficiency target, greater energy efficiency is one of the easiest and cheapest solutions for the EU to confront some of its largest modern-day challenges and ensure sustainable growth.

The EU’s proposal for an Energy Efficiency Directive is a vehicle to help put the EU back on track on energy efficiency by bringing down barriers and providing certainty to drive public and private investments into the energy efficiency market. But the proposal needs to be strengthened and key articles need to be maintained during the legislative process over the next 6-12 months. Monica Frassoni, President of the European Alliance to Save Energy will explain why.

Monica Frassoni
Monica Frassoni is the President of the European Alliance to Save Energy

Monica Frassoni will speak at the Symposium Sustainability across the value chain, Oct. 25-27, 2011 in Stuttgart Germany.

Check out the full agenda & the workshop program and register now!


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