Oct 25, 2011

Automated generation of EPDs based on ERP integrated solution

The Zumtobel Group faces an increasing market demand for product related environmental data. In this presentation held by Sebastian Gann, the response to this challenge will be outlined. The proposed solution aims at the generation of Environmental Product Declarations based on data from the ERP system.

Sebastian Gann
Sebastian Gann is Environmental Program Manager at the Zumtobel Group

Sebastian Gann will speak at the Symposium Sustainability across the value chain, Oct. 25-27, 2011 in Stuttgart Germany.

Check out the full agenda & the workshop program and register now!

Oct 24, 2011

Sustainability driven from the top - a global perspective

The aspiration of Daimler's management is clear: Being one of the world's leading automotive companies - especially in CSR and Sustainability.  Learn about Daimler's method of implementing sustainability targets and strategies - effectively, operationally and credibly.

Dr. Wolfram Heger
Dr. Wolfram Heger is Senior Manager Corporate Social Responsibility at Daimler AG

Dr. Wolfram Heger will speak at the Symposium Sustainability across the value chain, Oct. 25-27, 2011 in Stuttgart Germany.

Check out the full agenda & the workshop program and register now!

Environmental Product Declaration for the International Committee of the Decorative Laminates Industry (ICDLI)

Since the beginning of this year the International Committee of the Decorative Laminates Industry (ICDLI) is compiling a Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) together with PE INTERNATIONAL. This EPD describes all important average environmental information of decorative laminates „from cradle to grave“. It supports architects and processors in chosing their material and assists the producers in improving the sustainability of their product. In all probability the EPD of the ICDLI will be issued at the beginning of 2012.

Oct 20, 2011

Implementing the sustainable value chain approach in the core of the business

The Unilever Sustainable Living Plan sets out ambitious goals to double the size of the business whilst reducing environmental impact.  Get detailed information background to the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan and how the understanding of the value chain impacts are helping to inform innovation at the core of the business.

Phil McKeown
Phil McKeown is Sustainability Manager at Unilever

Phil McKeown will speak at the Symposium Sustainability across the value chain, Oct. 25-27, 2011 in Stuttgart Germany.

Check out the full agenda & the workshop program and register now!

Oct 17, 2011

The essential role of energy efficiency for a sustainable europe

How industry and policy makers drive the current trend.

According to latest projections, the EU is only expected to achieve 9% of its 20% mandatory energy saving targets by 2020, not even 50% of its energy savings goal. This is a missed opportunity; not only does Europe have the technology TODAY to deliver far more than a 20% energy efficiency target, greater energy efficiency is one of the easiest and cheapest solutions for the EU to confront some of its largest modern-day challenges and ensure sustainable growth.

The EU’s proposal for an Energy Efficiency Directive is a vehicle to help put the EU back on track on energy efficiency by bringing down barriers and providing certainty to drive public and private investments into the energy efficiency market. But the proposal needs to be strengthened and key articles need to be maintained during the legislative process over the next 6-12 months. Monica Frassoni, President of the European Alliance to Save Energy will explain why.

Monica Frassoni
Monica Frassoni is the President of the European Alliance to Save Energy

Monica Frassoni will speak at the Symposium Sustainability across the value chain, Oct. 25-27, 2011 in Stuttgart Germany.

Check out the full agenda & the workshop program and register now!

Consommation durable : expérimentation nationale de l’affichage des caractéristiques environnementales des produits

New information on the currently ongoing French National Experiment for environmental labelling has been published, including practical approaches for communication.

More information: www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr

Oct 14, 2011

Draft version of the EU environmental footprinting methodology released

The European Commission has released a draft version of the EU environmental footprinting methodology currently under development.

DG ENV is now working together with the Commission’s JRC IES and other European Commission services towards the development of a harmonised methodology for the calculation of the environmental footprint of products (including carbon footprint).

This methodology will be developed building on the International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook as well as other existing methodological standards and guidance documents (ISO 14040-44, PAS 2050, BP X30, WRI/WBCSD GHG protocol, Sustainability Consortium, ISO 14025, Ecological Footprint, etc).

You can find more information and the draft methodology here

Oct 12, 2011

GHG Protocol Standards for Product and Value Chain GHG assessments

The long awaited two new GHG Protocol Standards for Product and Value Chain GHG assessments were officially released. Visit www.ghgprotocol.org for more information. Here you can also download the new standards for free, as well as a range of accompanying tools and guidance documents.

Our GaBi software assess the Carbon Footprint of your products according to international standards such as ISO 14000 series, PAS 2050 or GHG Protocol.

Oct 7, 2011

LoyaltyOne Launches Second Accountability Report

LoyaltyOne Inc., a global provider of loyalty strategy and programs, customer analytics and relationship marketing services, has taken its sustainability efforts and successes ONE Step Further by launching its second public Accountability Report. The report is an entirely web-based, interactive report that is easily accessible, well suited for on-screen reading, provides internal links for easy navigation, and offers enriched multimedia features including videos highlighting the company’s achievements throughout 2010.  

PE INTERNATIONAL supported LoyaltyOne in the development of the report by collecting and verifying sustainability performance data, conducting interviews, writing the content and preparing the report to satisfy the Global Reporting Initiative's Application Level C.  

The level of transparency in this report combined with its innovative design demonstrates LoyaltyOne’s continued dedication to strengthening its sustainability efforts through enhanced stakeholder engagement and increased accountability.   

To view the report, visit LoyaltyOne's website at: www.accountabilityreport.loyalty.com

Oct 6, 2011

Vestas ranked sustainability leader 2011 by Dow Jones

Vestas, a leader in wind power solutions and a PE client, is now considered the most sustainable company in the world in the area of Renewable Energy Equipment by the world’s leading stock market index, Dow Jones. “Looking at the figures behind our new position it is obvious, that our comprehensive work with LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) on the V112-3.0 MW turbine and targets for reducing our carbon footprint has paid off,” says Lilian Harbak, Reporting Specialist with Vestas’ Sustainability department.

PE congratulates Vestas and the other companies in the DJSI 2011 who improved or maintained their position on their achievements.

Read more about Vestas' LCA and sustainability efforts

For more information please contact Jan Poulsen

Oct 1, 2011

Dole has partnered with PE INTERNATIONAL

Dole Food Company, Inc. will rely on PE´s SoFi software to consolidate the Company’s sustainability data into one software system. The software will assist Dole to calculate key performance indicators and will enhance Dole’s ability to establish, manage and meet program objectives at locations worldwide.

SoFi will not only contribute to improving our sustainability reporting,” said Roberto Vega, Director of Sustainability at Dole Food Company, Inc. “It will also increase the efficiency of managing the Company’s information related to sustainability and allow us to set and achieve global objectives, instead of focusing on each operation separately.”

PE INTERNATIONAL is working with Dole on the implementation of SoFi, a central sustainability platform that transforms data from corporate activities into meaningful performance information. Dole is in the process of refining its key sustainability indicators, including the company’s carbon footprint, which will then be consolidated into SoFi and reported on a regular basis.

“Dole’s sustainability program is well established,” said Michael Betz, CEO at PE INTERNATIONAL. “With PE’s experience in the food and beverage industry we will assist Dole in bringing all the elements together to integrate sustainability as a key component of their day-to-day business - from enhancing processes and products through to reporting. We look forward to working together to achieve Dole’s sustainability objectives including lowering energy consumption and carbon emissions, benchmarking operations, and mitigating risks.”

For more information please contact Jeff Slye