The EeB Guide Project is a project financed by the European Commission under the seventh framework program. This project will develop documents and instruments providing operational guidance for Life Cycle Assessment studies of the Energy Efficient Buildings (EEB) Initiative.
The project, which started on November 2011, is intended to last one year. Six partners are involved in the project: the Fraunhofer-Institut für Bauphysik (FhG-IBP), PE INTERNATIONAL, Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB), Escola Superior de Comerc International (ESCI), British Research Establishment (BRE) and Christer Sjöström Consultancy.Development of a guidance document for energy efficient buildings
The overall goal of this project is to develop a specific guidance document for application to Energy Efficient Buildings and related training material with courses for practitioners in industry and research. This is to be based on and in line with the International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook, co-developed by the European Commission’s JRC-IES. To ensure a high acceptance of the stakeholders, the ILCD requirements will be crossed with the new CEN/TC 350 standards like FprEN 15804 (Environmental Performance on product level) or FprEN 15978 (Environmental Performance at the building level).The goal: high-quality Life Cycle Assessment studies
The concept for this guidance document will be based on two core elements: an extensive list of elements that need to be taken into account when dealing with Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) within the Energy-efficient Buildings Initiative and the solution approaches how to address different issues and an extensive guidance including examples and operational instructions on how to conduct adequate, high-quality LCA studies.New website launched
PE has set up the website that will serve as the platform to enable efficient expert and public consultation procedures.More information:
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