Jul 28, 2008

Now online: Study on “environmental impacts of renewable feedstocks in material use”

Renewable raw materials hold a high potential for energy saving and for CO2 reduction. In particular, the material use of renewables is often underestimated because a lot of products cannot be directly identified as being produced from renewable resources. On behalf of the German Agency for Renewable Resources, a study was conducted to systematically evaluate the environmental performance of renewables in material use and to develop recommendations for a sustainable use of renewable raw materials in the near future. 

Jul 18, 2008

The European Bus System - Evaluating the Future

A consortium, led by UITP has successfully received funding under the 7th European Research Framework Programme for the project “The European Bus System of the Future” (EBSF). The 4-year project, with an overall budget of 26 Mio. Euro, will start in September 2008 and has as its main objective the promotion of bus systems in European cities. PE INTERNATIONAL will be the leader of a key work package in the development and application of the project’s assessment framework which will evaluate the contribution of different measures implemented to improve the attractiveness of public transportation.